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Our mission is to facilitate crafts women to have seamless access to economic opportunities without compromising their social and cultural landscape.

There is so much talent in Pakistan that goes unnoticed due to the inaccessibility of talented artisans. We have built this e-commerce platform to help bridge this gap and create a connection with talented artisans and small entrepreneurs from Interior Sindh communities across Pakistan with consumers around the nation and around the globe.

Featured Items

Handmade, Artisan crafts from Interior Sindh to your doorstep.


Our Mission is to facilitate the rural women to have seamless access
to the economic opportunities without compromising their social
and cultural landscape.

Message from the CEO Gulnaaz

Our Mission is to facilitate the rural women to have seamless access
to the economic opportunities without compromising their social
and cultural landscape.


ھلو ھلو ڪورئيين نازڪ جن جو نينھن
ڳنڍين سارو ڏينھن ڇنڻ مور نه سکي

By Shah Abdul Latif Bhattai